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What Is Error Domain: NsCocoaErrorDomain & Error Message: Could Not Find The Specified Shortcut & Error Code 4

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Have you ever come across an error like 'error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4' while working with Xcode or App Shortcuts and wondered what it actually means?

It normally appears when a shortcut you are trying to use cannot be found or accessed properly. Whether it is a missing file, a broken link, or an issue with the shortcut configuration, it points to an internal problem that prevents the system from locating the shortcut you need.

Come with us as we explore what is causing that error and how you may troubleshoot it to get your code and apps working.

errordomain=nscocoaerrordomain&errormessage=could not find the specified shortcut.&errorcode=4

  1. What Is Cocoa?
    1. Cocoa (Swift) Syntax Highlighter
  2. Error Domains in Cocoa and NS Cocoa Error Domain
    1. Cocoa Frameworks Error Domain Decipher
  3. Error Codes in Cocoa: Foundation Errors, AppKit Errors, and Core Data Errors
    1. Cocoa Frameworks Error Code Decipher
  4. How to Fix Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4
    1. Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4 in Xcode
    2. Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4 in App Shortcuts and Intents
    3. Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4 in Shortcuts App on iOS and macOS
      1. Automatic Shortcut URL Creator
    4. About Author

What Is Cocoa?

Cocoa is a development environment for macOS and iOS, including tools like object-oriented libraries, which provide pre-built reusable components (windows, buttons, or text fields) for creating apps; a runtime system, which ensures the app runs smoothly by managing resources and user interactions; and an integrated development setup, which allows developers to code, test, and debug apps in one unified workspace., 57573, and 62893

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Indeed, it is the primary tool for developing macOS applications, with Carbon serving as a compatibility solution for older macOS apps run on Mac OS 8 and 9and the only framework for iOS; even everyday apps such as Photos and Maps are built on Cocoa, and Xcode (a software application) supports development for both platforms.

SebJVidal Twitter (X) Profile Photo
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“Menus have been rewritten to fully use Cocoa, this reduces AppKit’s _Carbon_ footprint...” 💀


Cocoa, with its runtime aspect presenting the user interface and its development aspect allowing developers to use languages like Swift (the primary language now, alongside Objective-C), relies on core frameworks such as Foundation and AppKit for macOS, and Foundation and UIKit for iOS, with SwiftUI now supplementing AppKit and UIKit for modern UI development across platforms.

Cocoa (Swift) Syntax Highlighter





Error Domains in Cocoa and NS Cocoa Error Domain

Error codes in macOS are divided into specific domains, including NS Mach Error Domain, NS POSIX Error Domain, NS OS Status Error Domain, and NS Cocoa Error Domain.

Twannl Twitter (X) Profile Photo
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Thinking of creating an open-source tool to clarify error strings like "Domain = NS Cocoa Error Domain Code = 1590 \"The operation couldn't be completed. (Cocoa error 1590.)".

Let me know if you would use this by liking this tweet. If it's more than 100 likes, I'll build it!


NS Cocoa Error Domain is where you will find error codes for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks like Foundation, UIKit, AppKit, and Core Data, though it does not cover class-specific errors unique to individual frameworks.

Cocoa applications use NS Error objects to handle runtime errors, showing error details in a dialog or sheet and providing a way to recover or fix issues using key attributes such as domain (a category or area the error belongs to), code (a number that identifies the specific issue) and a dictionary (a collection of additional information, such as a description of the error and suggestions for fixing it). 

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In the error message 'error domain = ns cocoa error domain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & errorcode = 4', the 'error domain = ns cocoa error domain' refers to the domain (Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks), the 'error code = 4' specifies the error code, and the 'error message = could not find the specified shortcut.' describes the error in detail (dictionary).

Cocoa Frameworks Error Domain Decipher

Error Codes in Cocoa: Foundation Errors, App Kit Errors, and Core Data Errors

An error code is a specific number (4279404, and so forth) used to describe a particular problem, and it is assigned to a specific category of issues, called a domain (NS Cocoa Error DomainNS Mach Error Domain, NS POSIX Error Domain, and so on).

NoitsKatie89 Twitter (X) Profile Photo
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But what if the 321 error code has to do with Florida!!! It’s the Cocoa Beach - Melbourne (space coast) area code.



Error codes are defined and listed in specific header files for each main domain: e.g., Mach errors are in kern_return.h, POSIX errors in errno.h, Carbon errors in MacErrors.h, and Cocoa errors in several header files like Foundation Errors.h for Foundation, App Kit Errors.h for App Kit, and Core Data Errors.h for Core Data.


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To give you an idea, the error code NS File No Such File Error = 4 falls under the Foundation Errors.h in Foundation framework of Cocoa and is used to specify an issue where a file requested by an application cannot be found in the expected directory or path.

Cocoa Frameworks Error Code Decipher

How to Fix Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message=could not find the specified shortcut. & error code=4

Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4 in Xcode

Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4 might appear in Xcode when your code/app attempts to write a file to a location that is invalid, incorrect, or inaccessible.

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // Button to trigger file saving
        let saveButton = UIButton(type: .system)
        saveButton.setTitle("Save Text", for: .normal)
        saveButton.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 200, width: 200, height: 50)
        saveButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(saveTextToFile), for: .touchUpInside)

    @objc func saveTextToFile() {
        // Invalid file path to trigger the error
        let invalidPath = "/InvalidFolder/MyFile.txt"
        let textToSave = "This is a test."

        do {
            try textToSave.write(toFile: invalidPath, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
            print("File saved successfully")
        } catch {
            // Print the error
            print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Considering the code above, the file path you have provided might be invalid, as paths outside the app's designated directories (like Documents or Temporary) are usually inaccessible on iOS and macOS, and the app does not have permission to write or modify files in such locations. 

@objc func saveTextToFile() {
  let validPath = "\(NSHomeDirectory())/Documents/MyFile.txt"  // Corrected: A valid path within the app's sandbox.
  let textToSave = "This is a test."
do {
            try textToSave.write(toFile: invalidPath, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
            print("File saved successfully")
        } catch {
            // Print the error
            print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Another possibility is that the folder you are trying to save the file in with write (toFile:) is missing, which would cause the operation to fail and generate an error.

let validPath = "\(NSHomeDirectory())/Documents/MyFile.txt"  // A valid path within the app's sandbox.

// Check if the Documents directory exists; if not, create it.
let directory = "\(NSHomeDirectory())/Documents"  // Path to the Documents directory.
let fileManager = FileManager.default  // Get the default file manager to handle file operations.

if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: directory) {  // Check if the directory is missing.
    do {
        // Create the directory if it does not exist
        try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: directory, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
        print("Directory created successfully")
    } catch {
        // Handle error if the directory creation fails
        print("Error creating directory: \(error.localizedDescription)")

It could also be that the folder (InvalidFolder) or file name (MyFile.txt) may be misspelled, and provided that you meant to save the file in /ValidFolder/, the code will not be able to find the folder and will fail to save the file.

let validPath = "\(NSHomeDirectory())/Documents/MyFile.txt"  // Correct path within the app's sandbox.

// Check if the folder (ValidFolder or Documents) exists; if not, create it.
let directory = "\(NSHomeDirectory())/Documents"  // Path to the Documents directory (or the intended "ValidFolder").
let fileManager = FileManager.default  // Get the default file manager to handle file operations.

if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: directory) {  // Check if the folder (Documents/ValidFolder) exists.
    do {
        // If the folder (e.g., "Documents" or "ValidFolder") is missing or misspelled, create it.
        try fileManager.createDirectory(atPath: directory, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
        print("Directory created successfully")
    } catch {
        // Handle error if the directory creation fails
        print("Error creating directory: \(error.localizedDescription)")

Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4 in App Shortcuts and Intents

It, additionally, might arises when the app references a shortcut or intent that is either missing, misconfigured, or unavailable.

import Foundation
import AppIntents

  struct ShortcutsProvider: AppShortcutsProvider {
      static var shortcutTileColor: ShortcutTileColor {
          return .lightBlue

      static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
          // This shortcut references an intent that might not be correctly set up
          AppShortcut(intent: FetchDataIntent(),
                      phrases: ["Fetch data using \(.applicationName)",
                                "Get data in \(.applicationName)"],
                      shortTitle: "Fetch Data",
                      systemImageName: "network")

  struct FetchDataIntent: AppIntent {
      static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Fetch Data"
      static var description = IntentDescription("Fetches data from a server.")

      func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
          // Simulate fetching data from a server
          print("Fetching data...")
          return .result()

Taking the provided App Intent and Shortcut code into consideration, the system will fail to detect or locate FetchDataIntent if it has not been correctly registered in the app’s Info.plist; for instance, you might have overlooked adding it to the IntentsSupported key under NSExtension.

To solve, include the IntentsSupported key and FetchDataIntent, modifying names to align with your app's purpose.

            <string>FetchDataIntent</string> <!-- Register your custom intent -->

Another thing is, when defining app shortcuts, misconfiguring the metadata (phrases, title, or description) might result in the same error.

In that example, the phrases array references invalid or missing placeholders:

AppShortcut(intent: FetchDataIntent(),
  phrases: ["Fetch data using \(applicationName)", // Typo: Missing "." for interpolation
    "Get data in .applicationName"], // Typo: Incorrect placeholder
  shortTitle: "",
  systemImageName: "network") // Valid image name required

To fix, ensure phrases and metadata are correctly formatted and localized:

AppShortcut(intent: FetchDataIntent(),
  phrases: ["Fetch data using \(.applicationName)", // Correct placeholder
            "Get data in \(.applicationName)"],
  shortTitle: "Fetch Data", // Add a proper short title
  systemImageName: "network") // Use valid system image names

Error domain = nscocoaerrordomain & error message = could not find the specified shortcut. & error code = 4 in Shortcuts App on iOS and macOS

It might appear when a user or automation references a shortcut that has been manually deleted or removed due to an iCloud sync issue or app data reset.

AetherAurelia Twitter (X) Profile Photo
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So apple hid Posterboard by removing it from the app list in shortcuts, however even after bypassing that, it still can’t be opened, interesting to see different error messages for this.


When the system fails to find the shortcut by its UUID, the error is triggered, disrupting automations, widgets, home screen shortcuts, and third-party scripts.

To address, you need to check the Shortcuts app for the shortcut, recreate it if missing, and update widgets, home screen links, or automations tied to it.

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Additionally, the Shortcuts app includes a URL scheme that lets you run shortcuts on iOS and macOS using a URL like shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=[name]&input=[input]&text=[text], where you specify the shortcut name, input type (text or clipboard), and optional text, making it easy to integrate shortcuts with other apps or systems.

The error might happen when the shortcut name cannot be found in the URL, typically due to an incorrect name, a renamed or deleted shortcut, or issues with older versions of the Shortcuts app.

shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=[Shortcut Name]

// or

shortcuts://x-callback-url/run-shortcut?name=[Shortcut Name]&x-success=[Callback URL]&x-error=[Callback URL]

To resolve, you should verify the shortcut's name in the Shortcuts app, then update the URL's name parameter or adjust the URL if the shortcut's name was changed.

Automatic Shortcut URL Creator

Yusuf Durmuş Profile Photo
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He is the founder of meaning.bot and holds a bachelor's in International Relations from DEU where he specialized in writing website content.